Sunday, July 13, 2014


Anda ingin membeli pulsa online, token listrik, voucher game dan lain-lain, dengan mudah dan cepat?
Caranya mudah sekali, cukup dengan android yang kamu miliki, kamu akan cepat membeli pulsa online tanpa harus browsing terlebih dahulu karena sudah dapat didownload di Google Play.
Selain pulsa online juga menyediakan token listrik dan voucher game secara online.
Cara bertansaksinya pun cukup cepat sehingga memudahkan anda untuk memesannya.

Langkah-langkah bertransaksi :

- Buka lalu masuk ke "Beli Pulsa" isi form dengan lengkap dan benar
- Produk-produk harga akan keluar secara otomatis
- Setelah itu klik tombol "BELI SEKARANG"
- Kemudian akan tampil instruksi transfer yang harus anda lakukan pada layar
- Setelah itu lakukan pembayaran ke rekening yang tampil sesuai dengan instruksi tersebut (batas waktu pembayaran adalah 5 jam setelah pemesanan)
- Jika anda selesai melakukan pembayaran dengan benar, maka Pulsa/Token/Voucher/Tagihan akan otomatis terkirim ke nomor HP anda
- Khusus untuk pembelian Token Listrik, Jika anda belum menerima SMS kode token setelah status pemesanan anda sukses, segera anda lakukan request ulang sms kode token dengan masuk pada halaman detail pemesanan anda kemudian klik pada link "request ulang kode voucher" dan masukkan nomor meter / nomor HP anda.
- Bila anda mengalami masalah dalam pemesanan, segera hubungi kami atau anda dapat mengirimkan komplain ke kami.

Banyak kemudahan yang anda peroleh di, bahkan di kaskus juga banyak testimonial untuk pengguna android di playstore.
Apabila anda membutuhkan komplain / pertanyaan, segera hubungi kami di sms center, YM dan LiveChat.
Percayakan semua pada kami karena kami sudah memiliki perizinan resmi di polisionline.

Ini Ada Beberapa Testimonial tentang di kaskus

Quote:Original Posted By mamat_gentong
Thank you gan..., ane beli pulsa BOLT, cepet banget....
baru juga selesai transfer, ngabarin.., tau2 pulsa dah sampe....

Agan pulsabook ane nobatkan sebagai Recommended Seller....

You're welcome gan.. Ditunggu order berikutnya..
  Quote:Original Posted By athirra
Ane biasanya jarang ngasih testi dimana mana soalnya biasanya adaaa aja kekurangan bagi ane..
Tapi ini bener bener recommended banget! Kemaren lagi butuh bangettt pulsa Bolt! buat pesen tiket penyanyi barat di bulan Juni tapi udah coba di ATM gabisa bisa entah kenapa. Udah stress gatau lagi mesti gimana karna ngejar nih tiket rebutan, akhirnya ane iseng cari di kaskus berharap nemu keajaiban, ehh tiba tiba muncul sistem ini
KEREN BANGET! Ane langsung SMS order pulsa Bolt! dan LANGSUNG dibales juga sama agannya. Baru tau setelah itu kalo bisa langsung lewat webnya. Makin keren aja
MUCH BETTER than what I have expected about online service.

Thank you banget gan, you saved me! Jadi bisa kebagian tiket nih
Buat agan agan yang masih ragu atau masih gunain cara lain yang ribet mesti keluar rumah, mending coba deh!

Buat agannya, semoga bisnis makin suksess!

Amin.. Konsernya Tailor swift ya sis bulan juni besok.. sukses acaranya & terima kasih testinya..

Custom Membrane Keypad Switch For Better Control

We all use a variety of electronic equipment in our daily lives. As a part of our daily activities, we have a tendency to use a variety of devices and instruments like, our cell phones, calculators, computers, microwaves, remote controls as well as laundry machines. With the exception of the fact that all of them have some reasonably electronic circuit that helps them work, there is another factor that is common among them. These equipments are used, some reasonable switch or keys for their mode of operation. They are called as the membrane switches.

The custom membrane keypad switch is being widely employed in a range of electronic products and thanks to the way they are manufactured, they are actually straightforward and cozy to use. Gone are the days of the normal keypads, they are now being promptly replaced by these switches in several electronic machines. These switches are factory-made by some of the top manufacturers in the world that has a global customer base. There are varied corporations within the globe that deal with such kind of switches.

There are many corporations that efficiently manufacture these switches with all the latest features incorporated in them. All the manufactures make these switches with one ultimate goal which is to make the user lives less complicated. But, it is easier said than done. Today, there are only a few manufacturers, who actually meet the world standards of quality and performance in their products. These are the ones that satisfy the needs of the customers on a global basis.

These are the companies that have ensured the membrane switches to be of top quality. These are the companies that ensure that we get better control of our devices. So, all you have to do is get online and find a suitable manufacturer that guarantees to deliver on its promises of quality and performance of these switches

The custom membrane keypad switch that these manufacturers make are available in many varieties like, rigid circuit or the versatile type, the tactile type or the non tactile kind, etc., the Overlay is also available in different materials and their finishing can be either matte or glossy or even the multi texture type. The back lighting of these types of switches is crucial in its mode of operation. Mostly, it uses LED (Light emitting diode) technology for its backlighting solutions.

The lighting is best for the visuals that provide the user with a unique and comfortable experience while providing better control over the device. This is one of the best advantages of the membrane switches.

These switches are more seen in method management and automation devices, consideration scales, devices, telecommunication equipments, medical instrumentation, high-end security systems, and numerous other control panels. These switches have evolved to provide us a better control over our devices.
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